SINS 3 - 2009 Update

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At the moment we're working on all documents, apllicationforms for car and bikeshow will be send out asap, same goes for documents concerning commercial vendors.

Hotel info will be on hold for a little while untill we have reached some agreements with nearby hotels.

We have also made the basic floorplan for the show and we are happy to announce we can place around 75 cars (pré 63 traditional rods and customs) on the indoor carshow and about 40 to 50 bikes (oldstyle choppers, bobbers and caferacers only)

next to this indoorpart we will have space for more or less 100 cars and some more bikes on the outside parkinglot next to the show.

pré- registrations for both indoor and outdoor spaces is necesary...please mail us asap if you wanna be able to park your car or bike in the reseved spots.
there will also be plenty of space on the visitors parking lot, but these will go on a "first come, first served" base and subject of a parking fee for the weekend.

Plan for the indoor part is to have as many carclubs as possible to present some of their rides, that's why we want to ask all clubs to make a selection of maximum 6 cars and send it to us by mail
will will make a selection out of your selection, if a car doesn't make it to the wooden floor of the indoor show, it of course very welcome on the outdoor part, so nobody has to leave his ride at home.

stay tuned for more rock 'n roll....

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